Word University Rankings of PolyU, CEE

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Welcome to PolyU.

Dr. BI is always looking for Postdoc Fellow, Research Assistant, and PhD students.

If you are interested in studying/working at PolyU CEE with Dr. Bi on a variety of Structural Dynamics related research topics, please do not hesitate to send your CV and transcripts/publications via email kaiming.bi@polyu.edu.hk at any time.

For the PhD student (Scholarships):

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) invites applications from the best and brightest students worldwide for the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, to pursue their full-time PhD studies.
•  Successful HKPFS awardees of PolyU will receive for the entire normal study period:
•  Annual Stipend: HK$331,200 (~US$42,460)
•  Research Excellence Scholarship: in the form of a tuition fee waiver
•  Annual Conference Grant: HK$13,800 (~US$1,760)
•  Cash Award: HK$40,000 (~US$5,120) for the first year, and HK$20,000 (~US$2,560) per year from the second year to the end of the normal study period
•  University Accommodation: a guaranteed place for 2 years 

PolyU Presidential PhD Fellowship Scheme

•  A monthly stipend of HK$26,800 (approximately US$3,400) for the entire normal study period
•  A maximum of HK$25,000 (approximately US$3,200) conference grant for the entire normal study period
•  Cash Award of HK$40,000 in the first year and HK$20,000 per year from the second year to the end of the normal study period Waiving of tuition fees for the entire normal study period 

PolyU Research Postgraduate Scholarship

•  A monthly stipend of HK$18,100 (approximately US$2,300) for the entire normal study period
•  A maximum of HK$25,000 (approximately US$3,200) conference grant for the entire normal study period
•  Students are required to pay an annual tuition fee of HK$42,100 (approximately US$5,400) 

General requirements (application)

The studying period will be 3-4 years. The candidate should at least hold a Bachelor’s degree with First Class Honours (or equivalent qualification), conferred by a recognised university. The candidate should also meet the following basic requirement:
•  An overall score of at least 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); OR
•  A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 80 or above for the Internet-based test or 550 or above for the paper-based test.
•  The undergraduate university should be QS/THE/ARWU World Top-500 Universities or Top-150 Subjects;
•  GPA>3.2/4.0 

Dual PhD Degree and Collaborative PhD Training Programmes

The Dual PhD Degree Programmes offer full-time PhD students the opportunities to benefit from shared research excellence in various disciplines between PolyU and its prestigious partners. After completing the Dual PhD Degree Programmes, students will obtain a PhD degree conferred by PolyU and a PhD degree conferred by Partner Institution. Details can be found here.

The Collaborative PhD Training Programmes aim to establish collaborative programmes to PhD students, who may obtain a doctoral degree from PolyU and a certificate of completion from partner institution after completion of the necessary programmes and graduation requirements of both institutions. Details can be found here.

For the Postdoc / RAs:

Government program
Hong Kong government is offering a prestigious postdoc fellowship. The top-ranked candidate will be recommended to apply The RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS) and Hong Kong Scholars Program (香江學者計劃).

University program
PolyU also offers positions of Postdocs and RAs. Postdoc Fellows will be provided with a salary of around HK$ 29,000 /month for a contract period of 2 or 3 years. For RAs, the salary will depend on the performance and background of the candidates.

General requirements

Candidates should have a strong background in structural dynamics-related research topics (e.g., Structural vibration control, Earthquake engineering, Impact engineering, Multi-hazard resilience, and Sustainable materials) with high-quality publications in the top international journals. 

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